Travelling Together

Bright Culture was commissioned in 2022 to lead the evaluation of Museum Development South West’s (MDSW) major EDI project: Travelling Together.

A woman stands by a table looking at a large piece of paper with yellow post-it notes on it. Other people are sitting around the table.

Travelling Together: Museum Journeys Towards Collaboration & Inclusion was an ambitious project, year-long project, to invest in the skills, knowledge and confidence of South West Museums in delivering improved equity, diversity and inclusion in their work.

Travelling Together was an ambitious and intensive project comprising a bespoke programme for eight ‘cohort museums’; workshops for museums across the South West; a grant for each of the cohort museums to deliver a short, but high impact, project to move EDI forward in their museum; and on-going resources and opportunities to extend the project’s legacy.

Bright Culture consultant Esther Gill worked with Museum Development South West to plan and an implement an evaluation of the project. She worked with the eight cohort museums, the Steering Group and the Project Champions to understand what success would look like for each participating organisations. She then ‘travelled’ with the participants, understanding the challenges and successes to making change in their workplace.

In addition to the final report, Esther wrote six case studies of the participating museum journeys, which are now part of MDSW’s resource library.