Audience Research and Consultation

Bright Culture were commissioned to support English Heritage with Audience Research and Consultation at Brodsworth Hall, Kenilworth Castle and Osborne House.

building, with colourful flowers on an terrace

The research and consultation supported the development of a new Masterplan for each site and had a particular focus on engaging hard-to-reach audiences.

In 2022-2023, English Heritage commissioned Bright Culture to undertake a series of separate research projects at Osborne House, Kenilworth Castle and Brodsworth Hall. The research was part of developing a master plan for each site and focussed on understanding the local community needs and demands and identifying and exploring engagement opportunities.

The consultancy included a review of the current offer across each site, including previous and current audience engagement activity. Research into local demographics and initiatives that might inform engagement with community groups and underrepresented audiences. Qualitative and quantitative research to understand awareness, perception(s), attitudes, and barriers to visiting from existing users and non-users.

Lisa delivered a series of consultation sessions, a mix of online and face-to-face sessions, with community groups, organisations, and charities and their participants to explore levels of awareness, identify local needs and demand, understand barriers to engagement, and scope out potential future projects and partnerships. Approaches were varied, recognising the different needs of participants. The final output was a consultation report for each site, sharing findings and recommendations for future engagement opportunities and site programming.